Greetings from the GREAT Country of TEXAS !

Started by LoneWanderer, December 06, 2015, 11:59:32 PM

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Greetings One and ALL,

As a new member of LZD but a rather elder hand of FORUMS, holding membership in over 50 of them.  This one seems to be a bit different than most of the other.  Have not had much communications on this site, yet, have been toooo busy with my CPU systems.  Seems there is an issue going round of our Processors being run at or above 100%.  Have been working on that for about the last two (2) to thee (3) months, maybe today having some success, only time will tell if it is so.
"Lone Wanderer"
Dell OptiPlex 960/w Win7 Professional SP1 64bit; FireFox v52.x x86; WP, WPFW, WPWAR & more
"Do not follow me, Not a leader; Do not walk ahead of me, Not a follower; Walk WITH me, We will get through this life as ONE!"


Hi, LoneWanderer! 

My apology for including you in the "group" welcome topic at Welcome New Members!.  We were getting so many new members interested in information about WinAntiRansom and WinPrivacy (of which you seem to be included in that group) that, unless I knew the person, I added a welcome to the group thread.

I know I belong to a lot of forums but I definitely don't believe it comes close to 50! 

LzD is a relative small forum compared to many but it works for us.

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.



Your apology was NOT necessary as I am not able to get here very often, as you can see just now read your post to mine.  Never noticed you had included myself in that other board, still have not visited that one.  Have been rather busy with my system here at home, I do not use a computer for games or just to watch videos.  To me it is a tool AND needs to be tuned and repaired on occasion.  Most of my problems are of mineown making, ERRORS!!  I am very good at that and recovering from them as well.  With some of the forums on the web providing some information.  I take in all that I can find and evaluate them and do it my way.

YES!  MrBret and I are well acquainted and some of my suggestions to him are a part of WinPrivacy.  i was moved to his business because I am also a long time member of WinPatrol.  Also purchase licenses for WinPrivacy and WinAntiRansomWare before they were even developed.  Sad to learn MrBillPytlovany has RERTIRED was with him for a short couple of years.

My last count was over sixty (60) but that is irrelevant (as I usually say "a sick elephant).  I did make a post to the board "Suggestions and Feedback" not real important just letting someone know.
"Lone Wanderer"
Dell OptiPlex 960/w Win7 Professional SP1 64bit; FireFox v52.x x86; WP, WPFW, WPWAR & more
"Do not follow me, Not a leader; Do not walk ahead of me, Not a follower; Walk WITH me, We will get through this life as ONE!"