Started by babyoh, November 27, 2005, 05:10:57 PM

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 :Win73: :sos: :Win73:         <deep breaths, deep breathes...>

ok, i know i posted about this before, but we're onto Chapter Two
...sorry, corrine & all, LandZ won't let me delete my other posts... i tried! <sob!>
HERE GOES:      -- i'm doing an affiliate program, and have to put a co's javascript code into some of my pages.

PROBLEM:    -- the ad that results from the code ONLY SHOWS to me, when i'm on internet EPLORER, using XP as a Firewall.

in ALL OTHER situations (using Opera, Firefox, the symantec Firewall etc) -- the ad is INVISIBLE.

here's the code, edited up, since the co makes us agree to NON-Discolsure stuff --

<script type="text/javascript">
<CO NAME HERE>_jv='ads<CO NAME>.com';</script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="http:// --  URL APPEARS HERE  .js"></script>

NOW... after my computer was CLEAN, i was able to SEE MY page ADS in EXPLORER by doing SOMETHING, i forget exactly what... it had to do with LOWERING security... i've done SO MUCH tinkering on here to clean up infections in the last few days, I NEED A VALIUM! 

i followed JASON's advice  -- thank you, Jason -- to open Norton FW, Personal Firewall, Configure, Programs -- and remove the settings for EXPLORER, which was GREAT; i hadn't been able to get ANYTHING, and that allowed me to get google, etc in explorer...

when i used explorer to go online the 1st time, post "clean", norton gave me a "We're Automatically setting up Internet Explorer Rules"... but when i look in Personal FW, Configure, Programs now, there's NOTHING for int explorer ... i do see something for Microsoft Explorer, but that's something else, i think... RIGHT?  :sos:

ANYWAY. i read the MITCH's THREE MOUSKETEERS NEWBIE thing, and re-configured EXPLORER so it's "safe", per mitch's instructions -- and now i can't see the ads at ALL, no matter what i do (at least, using NORTON FIREWALL)
it doesn't work, even when i TURN OFF AD-BLOCKER completely (in norton FW, AND in int explorer).
AND, when i go ADVANCED firewall, and ALLOW ads for my pages -- that doesn't work either, for some reason (probably something to do with it being javascript...)

anyway -- it looks like one of the settings, per mitch's thing,  somehow "up'ed" my security to where i'm locked out my ads.

i can't see my ads in opera or firefox -- no matter what settings i use. so, i'm designing pages "blind" having no idea what the pages look like.

ARGH! :hysterical:


Quoteok, i know i posted about this before, but we're onto Chapter Two
...sorry, corrine & all, LandZ won't let me delete my other posts... i tried! <sob!>

There is a reason for that.  Many people get help without ever posting in a forum.  They find the answers to their problems through searches.  Besides, after someone has taken the time to respond to a person's questions, it isn't fair to remove their responses as well. 

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.


simple answers
in foxfire some settings
allow java
and block popups

now you can right click in ff and "view page source" is the code there?
then my guess is some of your ads might not be from nice servers ;-D

and view images from "originating source only"
ay one or all of those three wil block your ads

sorry but most people like to block ads and not see them  :lol:

if you want to drop the security down a notch to see them in IE you can, but remember how you found this place to post your hjt logs or adaware logs ;-)


thanks guys.
i'm going to post on some javascript forums, to see what the difference in code is. i'm just so curious
mitch - in firefox, opera and int explorer, i can see the source code doing a VIEW SOURCE, eventho the ads don't show. STRANGE: BEFORE when the ads wouldn't show, neither did the javascript source!

i played around with FF's "load images" from "originating website only" -- VERY WEIRD, cuz every so often, randomly, this threw PHP parse errors at me, right where the ad-box would have been. (i was using PHP to include the stuff.)  at 1st, about 1 out of 10 times i could produce the PHP errors, then they just STOPPED showing altogether. (when i say "randomly" - it didn't seem to have much to do with my actual setting, but just changing settings and clicking REFRESH... )

these aren't popups -- I HATE POPUPS -- these are co's with tasteful ads, related to my pages, that sit off in the corner, minding their own business, unless some curious soul clicks on them to get more info.

interesting tho - NOTHING gets rid of the ads from the 1st javascript code, no matter how i configure popup blocker, the firewall etc.--  With the other code, NOTHING seems to let it thru!

ps - i caught a couple Affiliate Programs -- major ones too -- "cooking" their stats, reporting things that definitely weren't true. if anyone's ever curious to see (and the co's pay for people buying products and not clicks-thrus): register for a program, then don't put up any links.

THE SCAM IS THIS: these guys report an ever-increasing # of non-paying click-thru's AUTOMATICALLY. you can tell, if you never put up any links, and your stats show you've gotten ALOT of click-thru's (non-paying, of course).

they start off small and the # of stat's clicks keeps creeping higher, making you think Big $'s just around the corner.

i'm really surprised more people aren't aware of this. pretty scummy.

anyway, thanks again corinne and mitch. you guys rock!



i can't see my pages ads in internet explorer, firefox or opera.
BUT -- i just realized that they show perfectly when i'm on NETSCAPE.
*** when i view SOURCE CODE, the javascript code shows perfectly, from within each browser.
BUT -- when i copy the ad co's referring URL from the source code (http: etc) -- from within Netscape I get a bunch of JAVASCRIPT code. I get NOTHING when i try the same thing in any other browser.
... DON'T get it. the http URL is javascript (it ends with a ".js" extension) -- so the URL should be viewable to me, just like I was looking at a text file -- or ccs. RIGHT? that's the way it always HAS worked for me. (if data path for a pic is, the URL will open that file -- unless i'm locked out and get a "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED" error.) ... i won't get a BLACK SCREEN.

what's WEIRD, is that i duplicated every NETSCAPE setting in the other browsers, and still -- NOTHING.
  ** These ads SHOW in explorer, IF i TURN OFF my FIREWALL -- so i thought it was a firewall issue.**
But I guess not.

i noticed that the co's javascript that is pumping onto my page (or TRYING to, anyway), is filled with words like ads, popups, popunders.

But, if this triggered the ad-blocking in any of my apps -- why's it let the ad thru in NETSCAPE?

Also, i experimented with turning off ALL my ad-blocker settings -- and my ads STILL wouldn't show in those other browsers.