Mozilla Firefox Version 22.0 w/Critical Security Updates

Started by Corrine, June 25, 2013, 05:41:11 PM

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The current update includes fourteen security updates of which four are critical, six high, three moderate and one low.

Notable Changes

Social Services:  New to version 22.0 is the ability to disable social media services that may be included with installed add-ons.  To disable social services, open the add-ons manager and select Services to disable or remove any service that you have installed in the browser.

Plain text files:  Word-wrap is a welcome change to viewing plain text files in this version of Firefox.

Note:  According to members at DSLReports, the update appears to have broken the Roboform toolbar.  (H/T, siljaline)

To get the update now, select "Help" from the Firefox menu at the upper left of the browser window, then pick "About Firefox."  Mac users need to select "About Firefox" from the Firefox menu.

Additional information in my blog post at Mozilla Firefox 22.0 Released with Critical Security Updates.

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

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