Over Cautious or Paranoid?

Started by Basil, November 23, 2013, 06:29:13 PM

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While using GMail, my IP address always remained the same as my UK IP address. (Looking at the Account Activity log that GMail provides).

Since I started using Outlook.com, I have noticed that each and every time I send an email with Oulook, the IP address changes from the normal browser IP address (my normal UK IP address) to an SMTP address.

I have googled this SMTP address (Bing does not show any results.. :o), and I see that it belongs to Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA.
Is this a normal behaviour with Outlook or is there something sinister in it? I was never getting a change of IP address with GMail.

I am sorry if I appear over suspicious or paranoid, but I do not understand this change... :moreevil:


Clicking Actions > View message source of a test email from Gmail to Outlook.com showed that the message source was a Google SMPT mail server IP address.

I don't use Bing or Google to check IP address.  One source you can use is http://whois.domaintools.com/

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Thank you for the very useful link, Corrine,
I have checked all three IP addresses Outlook.com uses, and they all belong to Microsoft Corporation. They are IP addresses that belong to hotmail.com. So, nothing sinister there... :thumbsup:
I am just a little surprised that Microsoft routes emails from Europe via Redmond, when they have so many servers in Europe. They even have a server in London, but it seems to be dedicated to cloud services........OR...may be I shouldn't be surprised.... :moreevil:

Paranoia time over.... :dance:...I understand it a lot more now.
Thank you Corrine.