Firefox to replace "Do Not Track" with "Global Privacy Control"

Started by ky331, December 12, 2024, 01:00:24 PM

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When Firefox 135 is released in February 2025, it will remove the Do Not Track (DNT) toggle from its Privacy and Security settings, because "many sites do not respect this indication of a person's privacy preferences, and, in some cases, it can reduce privacy".  Instead of DNT, users will be directed to make use of the newer Global Privacy Control (GPC) features as a replacement.

Brave and DuckDuckGo will also offer GPC (which is backed by EFF, the Electronic Frontier Foundation).    However, neither Google Chrome nor Chromium-derived Microsoft Edge [have announced] support the GPC option, and unless/until they do so, these Chromium browsers will require an extension to invoke GPC.