M/S Edge and Malwarebytes Anti Exploit?

Started by 2harts4ever, November 23, 2015, 04:35:29 PM

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During the course of another post (http://www.landzdown.com/anti-spyware-software/mcafee-vs-windows-defender-and-windows-firewall/) I noted that Corrine said she used Malwarebytes Anti Exploit (Free) in addition to some other security programs.

To make a long story short I just downloaded and installed it.  Once it started my Edge Browser immediately died and when I went to click on its shortcut nothing happened.  I couldn't bring up Edge again until I stopped the Malwarebytes Anti Exploit protection program.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,
" ... Nuff Said.  Keep Smiling Because I'm Smiling Too ..."


I'm not having any problems running Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 (although it isn't my default browser) with MBAE Version

Someone reported a similar experience at the MBAE support forum, although it appears the moderator misunderstood and thought MBAE wasn't starting:  Browsers not launching when MBAE is active - Anti-Exploit Product Support - Malwarebytes Forum.

Please launch Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit and click the Settings tab.  Make sure the box "Log protection events" is checked.

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.


Hi Corrine,

I appreciate your fast response.

I thought before I answered you again I would go to the link you provided and it sounded exactly what I was experiencing.  So I did as they suggested and as a result Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Fee) is now running smoothly with Edge and Firefox too.

I couldn't really tell you what my previous version was before I uninstalled it but the new one furnished on the link you gave me is:

So I consider that problem history. 

However, I still can't utilize the message helpers (B, I, U, Sm Font Face, Font size, etc)

Thanks and regards,

" ... Nuff Said.  Keep Smiling Because I'm Smiling Too ..."
