Windows DEFENDER error 0x80004003. invalid pointer

Started by babyoh, April 18, 2006, 02:53:59 AM

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hi everybody. happy easter.  :hammy:
a while back windows defender gave me some scary "error 0x80004003. invalid pointer" errors.
i uninstalled defender, and wrote about my experience on one of my webpages.
- i just checked my stats, and see in the last couple weeks alone, i've gotten ALOT of hits on my page, from people searching out "defender error 0x80004003" or "invalid pointer defender" etc.
ANYWAY. point is, it looks like alot of people are having the same error, and trying to research it.
if anybody has any news on that error in defender, or can suggest any fixes, i'd love to post 'em to help other users out.

Aaron Hulett


"new bits" = an update of some sort
(sorry, i don't understand)


Babyoh, see

Remember, errors can be encountered with any software and Windows Defender is still Beta.  Expect updates, changes, etc.  As stated at the above link:

QuoteThis is pre-release (beta) software distributed for feedback and testing purposes. Microsoft only provides best effort support through the newsgroups. If Windows Defender (Beta 2) is causing an issue with your system, we recommend removing it by using Add or Remove Programs and even using System Restore if the problem persists.

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 :thumbsup: thanks, corinne.
i understand.
now, i can at least post that link, and help some people out who may not know about it.