Ad-Watch Definition File Update

Started by Karen, October 25, 2005, 12:10:11 AM

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Will the Def file load when I just click on the regular Ad-Aware update button?  If yes, does the same button then update both Ad-Award and Ad-Watch?  How can I tell if I actually do have the latest definition file?

Second question for Corrine... as she seems very in-the-know about Lavasoft.  When is the next version of Ad-Aware Plus coming out?  Have you heard of any of the things that will come on future versions?

Thank you


Latest definition file: SE1R71 19.10.2005
Please Note Version SE Build 1.06 is now available! This download is for use with Ad-Aware SE versions only.
Manual Installation: Unzip the archive, replace the existing file and restart Ad-Aware\Ad-Watch.
You can also use the webupdate component implemented in Ad-Aware to install this update. 


Hi, Karen.  Welcome to LzD Forum!

As to knowing you have the latest updates -- I found the easiest thing to do is "Subscribe to the Update Topics for your system software!".  By subscribing to the updates as described in that linked topic, you will be notified not only about Ad-Aware updates, but also the other security software programs on your computer.  If, however, you're only interested in staying up to date with Ad-Aware, you can subscribe to the update newsletter: .

Except for the sites.txt file, yes, when you update the Definition Files for Ad-Aware, you are also updating Ad-Watch.  The last time the sites.txt file was updated was February 11, 2005.  It is not often updated but can be obtained from

QuoteLatest banned sitelist:  Ad-Watch updated 11.02.2005
Please Note: By doing this update all changes to the banned sitelist is revoked.
Installation: Unzip the archive, replace the existing file and restart Ad-Watch..

As to your question with regard to the next version of Ad-Aware Plus, I really have no idea if a new build is planned or not. When Lavasoft closed the support forums last spring, the volunteers were also cut off from information of that nature.  Actually, even if we had known, even though we were volunteers, we wouldn't have been able to say.  New product information is confidential.

I hope that helps.  If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 

(BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that that as an Ad-Aware SE Plus subscriber, you are entitled to free email assistance from Lavasoft at 
Customer Service or for technical support, you can use the technical support e-mail address: .) 

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May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.


QuoteSecond question for Corrine... as she seems very in-the-know about Lavasoft.

All members of the Landzdown team were former Team Lavasoft members. We all have/had information about Lavasoft and the products and supported members using the program....

Corrine does seem to know alot, but its because of her fast little fingers that she replies before any of us gets the chance  :tease:


Hi Corrine,

Thank you for your comprehensive and knowledgeable answer to my question.

As is often the case when I ask computer related questions, I don't even know what I'm asking. 

And sure enough, I didn't ask the right question this time either.  But that's OK, because you must have sensed my you gave me the info I need anyway  :gwave:

I guess I was referring to the sites.txt info.

I wonder why that can't be updated via the regular update button?

I'll give it a shot tonight and try to update the sites.txt stuff.

Is there a way to verify that I did it correctly?

Have a nice day.


Pardon the interruption, but you could always install IE-Spyad ... it is more comprehensive, and updated more regularly ...
Speak softly, but carry a big Winchester ... Winchester Arms Collectors Association member