Question about denying "startup" permission

Started by Grandms, June 18, 2011, 07:28:41 PM

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First of all, welcome, Scotty.  My question deals with the Google Music program which I downloaded and installed last evening.  Scotty popped up and asked if this program should be allowed to run at startup.  Since I don't want this in my startup and will run it manually, I chose "Deny".  Was this the correct thing to do?

Windows XP, SP3.


Hi, Grandms. 

It is nice to see you here again.  (Thanks for the link to my blog post at GardenWeb. :rose: )

Yes, you were correct in telling Scotty to deny adding the program to start up. 

When the option is available, I will select a "custom" installation, carefully reading the options as I go through the installation process.  The options generally include adding to start up, adding a shortcuts to various locations. 

There are times, when no matter what you do, programs continue to insist on being added to start up.  Bill provided the following information when Dealing with Repeating Alerts.

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Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
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Note:  For those users with WinPatrol PLUS, the INFO botton on the lower left side of this pop-up screen will allow you to obtain more information to help you make an informed choice about whether to allow the startup ...  :D
Speak softly, but carry a big Winchester ... Winchester Arms Collectors Association member


Bill provides occasional updates on Twitter about the number of PLUS inquiries on certain files and recently wrote about the most popular:  QuickTime Most Popular Unwanted File.

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.


Thanks to both of you.  I do have the Plus version, and I see what you mean, Winchester.
Corrine, I absolutely refuse to have Quick Time on my computers.  If I cannot view with some other program, I just don't bother.  I have never seen a program just take over things the way it does.  I think that's what soured me on Apple products back when I had Windows 98.


You're welcome and I agree about Quick Time.  I don't have it installed here either. :)

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.