Welcome Naathim

Started by GR@PH;<'S, June 02, 2014, 09:36:43 PM

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:welcome: hope you enjoy your stay.  

GR@PH;<'S   :Hammys pint:
press Enter then have a Brandy then if the problem is still there have another Brandy
Q: does it work
A: It does seem to for a few hours at least.


My, my........... My dear friend Naathim.  :hug:

Ladies and Gentlemen,  Naathim is a very dear friend of mine from GeekU.  He recently was promoted to the Senior Class. (applause) (applause)   :dance:

Welcome Naathim!  :flowers:  So good to see you here!  Grab a  :Hammys pint: I know how you just love those brewski's, so you'll fit in right nicely.  :wink: Not to worry if the supply runs low, Gr@ph;<'s makes sure there is an unlimited supply.

:cases:   Hm? He has a truck load hidden around here somewhere.  :cool:

"To achieve the impossible, it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought."
Tom Robbins


Hey Hi Hello and thank you for your kind greetings :)

My name's Naat and I send you many hugs from far-away Poland!  :hug:

I'm pleased to be the part of this community! As Donna said earlier, I'm a GeekU student currently finishing my malware training and I am allowed already to work with users, so if you'd need my help just shoot me a message and I will report to help anyone in need!  :thumbsup:
(If local admins here agree, of course)

While about beer - first one's on me!  :Hammys pint:


Now I promise to hang here and search for some topics that I could be helpful.


Gr@ph;<'s - do we howe something more than beer? Crowbar made me drink too much lately and I'd appreciate (so would my abs  :D ) something another!

Naat  :mitch:


Welcome  to the forum !  :)
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
- Confucius
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Hi, Naat!  Welcome to LzD.

If Crowbar is making you drink too much lately, he's merely attempting to find out how strong you are and if you'll really be able to survive CMF.  :D

Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!

Remember - A day without laughter is a day wasted.
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart.


Hi Naat,
Witamy na forum (Welcome to the forum)... :thumbsup:


Speak softly, but carry a big Winchester ... Winchester Arms Collectors Association member


Dziękuję bardzo! :) (Thank you very much).

Wow, so many kind greetings...  :hug: